Welcome to Lincoln North
Welcome to Lincoln North
Lincoln is a vibrant city full of life and Alive Church is no exception.
Sundays are full of life, with contemporary worship, inspiring and practical teaching and exciting programmes for kids and youth.
Throughout the week there are plenty of opportunities for you to connect with friends in life groups, join in with our kids, youth, young adults or adults programme.
Joy & Paul Blundell
Location Pastors
Join us every Sunday at 10am for coffee and 10.30am for the service start in the Robert Hardy Building at the Bishop Grosseteste University.
We also join Alive Lincoln Central for a Young Adults service every Sunday at 7pm and Worship Encounter.
We can't wait to see you soon!
Joy and Paul Blundell
Location Pastors
Plan Your Visit
Robert Hardy Building,
Bishop Grosseteste University,
Longdales Road
01522 542166
We can't wait
to see you.
Try Alpha
Current course is running from Wednesday 29th Jan until 16th April from 7-9pm, a meal is provided.
We meet at 11, Whitefriars Road,
Lincoln, LN2 4FF
For more information email paul.gilchrist@alivechurch.org.uk
Make A Difference
& Light
In Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus calls us Salt and Light; God’s colours and God’s flavour
​​This endorsement from Jesus encourages us to live from the identity that He has spoken over us, as salt bringers and lightbearers. Our generous and prayerful contributions might seem small on their own but corporately God can use our giving to impact the lives of people in need across our communities, nation, and world. Therefore we ask you to prayerfully consider what you are able to give into this year’s Make A Difference campaign.