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Prayer Shield

Right from the early days of the church we have invested in prayer, which has become a key value here at Alive Church. We believe much of the blessing we have seen over the years is a result of our commitment to prayer, and of God’s gracious answers to those prayers.


Our desire is that every member of the church gets involved in praying the Prayer Shield over themselves, their families, their Life Groups and Church leaders. The more we press forward in serving the Kingdom of God and seeing lives transformed, the deeper our foundations in prayer need to be. As we each do this, we believe that by God’s grace, we will continue to build a spiritual shield of protection and see a greater anointing released amongst us, giving momentum to all we set our hand to.


In this booklet you’ll find further information on what the Prayer Shield involves, with clear guidelines for praying 10–15 minutes each day. There are also guidelines for The Lord’s Prayer and The Prayer of Jabez, as well as additional information on fasting, speaking in tongues and prayer walking.


You may also want to consider starting a prayer journal alongside the Prayer Shield so that you can keep a record of your prayers, along with the answers!


Thank you for joining us as we pray for God to move powerfully in us and through us as a church.

With love and blessings,​




Stuart and Irene Bell

Founding Pastors

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