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Today’s investment for tomorrow’s opportunities

Rise and Build has always been about our future vision and not just the upkeep of buildings and resources. It is about the Church as a whole investing into our future together.

  • Every person giving generously with a spirit of faith, in worship of God.

  • Building and maintaining excellent facilities for the glory of God.

  • Reaching and equipping people to have an influence in our towns, cities, nation and the world.

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Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labour in vain.

Psalm 127:1


Dear Church,

2024 was a really exciting year for us here at Alive. The church is flourishing with over 1180 new people visiting the church and nearly 200 decisions to follow Christ last year. We are so glad that you are a part of the journey.


God’s people have always built things in order to honour Him and facilitate the vision He has given to them, from Old Testament altars to contemporary cathedrals and church buildings.

Whenever building takes place in the bible, there are principles that God establishes for His people to follow:

  • Building is birthed out of vision

  • Building is for God’s glory

  • Building is for the gathering of believing people

  • Building is strong when done in unity and peace

  • Building requires sacrifice

  • Building needs generosity and investment

  • Building always serves that which is not made with human hands.


​This year our focus is found in Psalm 127 which says ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.’ Our strongest desire is to only build what God is building and to be a people who clearly hear His voice and follow His plans.

Rise and Build has always been about our future vision and not just the upkeep of buildings and resources. It is about the Church as a whole investing into our future together.


In 2025 our plans are to continue our investment into emerging generations, to sow into ‘A Day to be Alive’, and to once again create seed funding for future planting. Through Rise and Build we get the opportunity to invest into lives, to see them transformed by the good news of Jesus.


It is vitally important that our vision progresses so we don’t stand still and that the facilities and resources we own represent us well. Improving our facilities / equipment and investing into our growing vision is one way in which we thank the Lord for everything He has done for us.​



Your Opportunity

  • To make a difference

  • To do something significant with the potential to outlast your life

  • To help build a church that has the call of God upon it and a mandate for influence in its location, nation and world

  • To be a part of a miracle

Next Steps

1: Prayerfully consider the amount of giving that is appropriate for you.

This should be your first step in becoming involved in the Rise & Build Offering. Pray for Faith and Wisdom.

​2: Make your commitment to the Rise & Build offering.

On Sunday 9th March 2025 you will have the opportunity to make your commitment during any of our services, by completing the Rise & Build giving card. There will also be opportunities to give to the offering for a couple of weeks following Rise & Build Sunday. Whilst we cannot all give the same amount, we can all give. This way everyone can play their part.

Give Online

Make one-off payments or set up a standing order to ​Alive by using your bank card or PayPal.

Standing Order or Bank Transfer

Please use your online banking to set up a new standing order or give a one-off gift.
​Alive Church Buildings Account
Sort Code: 05-06-41
Account Number: 66720553

Give By Cheque

Cheques should be made payable to:
Alive Church Buildings Account
Please send to
Alive Church, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1XG

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