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Vision & Values

We see Alive as a strategic multi-site church made up of hundreds expressing itself in different locations, seeing many people come to faith and equipping people who passionately follow Jesus Christ.


We see a planting church who actively raise leaders and send teams to plant new locations. A church readily working in partnership with other churches and ministries for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. We see Alive having a heart for the evangelisation of the UK, believing we have a significant contribution to make.

Alive Church Our Vision & Values Lincoln

Our Vision


We see Alive as a Knowing church. A multi-ethnic, multi-generational church who value all people, ensuring everyone is given an opportunity to know Jesus. We see a body of people who carry the heart and ethos of the church in all age ranges. We see Alive as a church of character and humility, where every person serves the mission of Christ, putting others before themselves. We see a church who deeply value both gathering together for vibrant Sunday worship and celebration and connecting together in small groups for friendship and discipleship.


We see Alive as a Growing church. A bible-believing church, living out orthodox christian lifestyle handed down to us in word and deed.A Jesus-centred community growing in their faith and empowered to make a difference in the world. A positive Holy Spirit filled people demonstrating the fruit and gifts of the spirit and the character of Christ. We see Alive as a welcoming church where kindness and hospitality are the hallmark. A church who model the generous heart of God in their own generosity. A church who carry a spirit of excellence. A praying church who believe that nothing is impossible with God.


We see Alive as a Going church. A church of influence, with involvement in all spheres of society and a focused mission into the world. A church with a heart for the poor and the marginalised, who are determined to bring transformation to people’s lives. A church led by a dream team of committed staff and leaders. A team of men and women committed to God and to one another to see our dreams become a reality. We see a church that leads the way in training leaders who carry the DNA and culture of the house both within the church and into society, equipping all people to serve God in every area of their lives.


Our Values


Teams are made up of people who give 100% energy and commitment in an environment of encouragement and trust, equipping and releasing others to go beyond us and cheering each other on toward the goal.


As God has given to us, we give more than is necessary or expected of our time, talent and treasure.


As God first invited us, we live lives of proactive invitation. We see everything as an opportunity for ALL people to find purpose, experience more, connect and flourish.


We champion the family of God - from the eldest to the youngest - creating environments where everyone is valued. We actively honour those who’ve gone before us, our inheritance and leaving a rich legacy that outlasts us for generations to come.

We proactively see the image of God in each other. We honour those in position and authority over our lives. We honour, serve and give time to those whom God has brought us into relationship with.


We commit to do the absolute best with what we have, doing all things in service to God and one another.


We keep our hearts fixed on our relationship with Christ and love others as He loves the Church.


We’re mouldable in our thoughts and actions, embracing change, striving for relevance and keeping principles over practice.


We seek every opportunity to grow, improve and multiply by utilising our God-given pioneer spirit and creativity to do things in a better way.


We expect to live extraordinary lives by the power of The Holy Spirit.

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